Ardhi Wicaksono
27 Desember 2011
Master Program, Computer Science Department, MIPA UGM
Research title:
Chemical Plant Simulator: Miniplant of Biodiesel production from CPO using Reactive Distillation.
Chemical Plant Simulator: Mini Plant Biodiesel CPO via Reactive Distillation is designed as a generic type of device simulation servers, and workstations server database for instructor, field operators and operator. Simulator provides simulated operation that occurs in the chemical plant during normal conditions, start-up, shutdown, emergency, and malfunction. These five conditions can be simulated in this simulator, so users can learn about the phenomena that exist in every state in a biodiesel mini plants unit. The study is based on the dynamic performance characteristics of unit operations a biodiesel mini plant. Dynamic performance characteristics derived from data modeling tools and process models. Modeling process using the principle of chemical engineering tools: mass balance, heat balance, equilibrium and rate processes, resulting in a dynamic model. Consequently, this simulator can be used as an operator training simulator (OTS).
This simulator is used to study changes in product specifications in case of change of raw material specification, process innovation, changing the design process, energy availability, operating conditions, the audit process, the optimization process and energy audit. It’s equipped with features that fit with the control room in an industry, making it easier for instructors to provide training and assessment of the operator. This simulator is also equipped with interlock feature that aims to secure the operation.