Ph.D students, Chemical Engineering Department, UGM:
- Ratna Dewi Kusumaningtyas (graduated)
- Zahrul Mufrodi (graduated)
- Arif Hidayat
- Heny Dewajani
- Diana
- Daniyanto
- Doni Rahmat Wicakso
- Sunarno
Master students, Chemical Engineering, UGM:
- Tya Indah Arifta (graduated on July 2011)
- Yuli Ristianingsih (graduated on October 2011)
- Daniyanto (graduated)
- Dyah Retno Sawitri (graduated)
- Putri Restu Dewati (graduated)
- Ade Kurniawan (graduated)
- Masduki Hamid (graduated)
- Retno Renggani (graduated)
- Mitha Puspitasari (graduated)
Master students, Biomedical Science, UGM:
- Puguh
- Rasuane
Master students, Computer Science, UGM:
- Ardhi Wicaksono
Master students, System Engineering, UGM:
- Wanodya Asri Kawentar
Undergraduate students, Chemical Engineering, UGM
- Gilang Aswardian – Ayu Apriyanti (graduated on November 2011)
- Alita Lelyana (graduated on November 2011)
- Daniar Rianawati (graduated on November 2011)
- Wahyu Widiantara – Widayati Purwaningsih (graduated on Pebruary 2011)
- Alvin Gita Raharja-Putranda Yeremia Tumewu (graduated on August 2011)
- Priasta S Prasojo (graduated)
- Nur Widiarto Setiaji (graduated)
- Galuh Pinayungan (graduated)
- Nuri Narulita - Zayda Faizah Zahra (graduated)
- Septian Arief Nur Rochman (graduated)
- Nur Rochim – Hafid Sahli Mukaffa (graduated)
- Galuh Pinayungan – Yano Surya Pradana (graduated)
Supporting staff:
- Sutaryo
Yuli Ristianingsih
27 Desember 2011 - 01:06
Master Student, Chemical Engineering Department, UGM
Title of Research
Mass Transfer Kinetic of Degumming Process Crude Palm Oil with Phosphoric Acid for Improve Quality of Palm Oil Such As Biodiesel Raw Material
Crude palm oil contains various minor substance impurities such as free fatty acids (FFA), non fatty materials generally classified as “gums” or phospholipids, color pigments, sterol, tocoferol, waxes, hydrocarbon and etc. Phospholipids are a major class of impurities removed in conventional processes by oil degumming, at significant cost to oil yield. Phospholipids must be removed because they cause oil darkening (or browning) during the subsequent bleaching, hydrogenating, and deodorizing steps of refining.
Putri Restu Dewati
27 Desember 2011 - 08:19
Master Student, Chemical Engineering Department, Gadjah Mada University
Research title:
Production of Methyl Ester Sulfonate (MES) from Jatropa Oil as Surfactant of EOR Processes (Enhanched Oil Recovery)
Research Outline:
Most of oil wells in Indonesia was the old wells. The recent technology is not optimal enough to exploiting the potential of petroleum. Only about 15% of Oil in Place can be recovered by primary method, 34% by secondary method and 33% by tertiary method.
One of tertiary method is the using of surfactant in EOR (Enhanched Oil Recovery) processess. This method is suitable to be applied to the old wells which not in production but still have high potential with a lot of oil content.
Ade Kurniawan
27 Desember 2011 - 01:39
Master Student,
Chemical Engineering Department, Gadjah Mada University
Research title:
Eco-efficient Biodiesel Purification via Waste-based Adsorbent
Research outline:
Biodiesel is the excellent alternative fuel for petroleum diesel substitution. This alternative that has environmental friendly characteristic including non-toxic, biodegradable, and the absence of sulphur, has become one of the world’s research concern to continue exploring and optimizing the processes to achieve the eco-efficient and eco-friendly mass production of biodiesel.
The main chemical process to produce biodiesel is the transesterification of trigliseride with methanol and KOH as catalyst where it forms methyl ester (biodiesel) and glycerin. After glycerin removals, biodiesel still shows the impurities including excess methanol, KOH catalyst, and glycerin.Further purification is needed to meet the published standard.
29 Desember 2011 - 17:06
Master Student, Chemical Engineering, UGM
Research title:
Biodiesel production from palm oil utilizing surfactant
Biodiesel is a renewable alternative energy processed from vegetable oil or animal fat. In Indonesia biodiesel is an alternative energy which has high potential to be developed, consider that Indonesia has abundant of natural resource. One of the natural resource which considerably be a good resource as biodiesel raw material is palm oil.
A biodiesel production process needs methanol and catalyst to react the triglyceride in the palm oil to be alkyl ester trough trans-ester-ification. Methanol used as reactant considered need to be reduced consider that methanol is also a renewable alternative energy resource. Therefore it is needed an innovation to reduce the methanol used as reactant. The purpose of utilizing surfactant is that the usage of methanol as reactant can be reduced by reducing interfacial tension between triglyceride and methanol. By adding surfactant it is also hoped that the catalyst performance can be boosted so that the usage of catalyst can be reduced and the conversion can be improved within considerably shorter reaction time.