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Ph.D students, Chemical Engineering Department, UGM:

  • Ratna Dewi Kusumaningtyas (graduated)
  • Zahrul Mufrodi (graduated)
  • Arif Hidayat
  • Heny Dewajani
  • Diana
  • Daniyanto
  • Doni Rahmat Wicakso
  • Sunarno


Master students, Chemical Engineering, UGM:

  • Tya Indah Arifta  (graduated on July 2011)
  • Yuli Ristianingsih (graduated on October 2011)
  • Daniyanto (graduated)
  • Dyah Retno Sawitri (graduated)
  • Putri Restu Dewati (graduated)
  • Ade Kurniawan (graduated)
  • Masduki Hamid (graduated)
  • Retno Renggani (graduated)
  • Mitha Puspitasari (graduated)

Master students, Biomedical Science, UGM:

  • Puguh
  • Rasuane

Master students, Computer Science, UGM:

  • Ardhi Wicaksono

Master students, System Engineering, UGM:

  • Wanodya Asri Kawentar

Undergraduate students, Chemical Engineering, UGM

  • Gilang Aswardian – Ayu Apriyanti (graduated on November 2011)
  • Alita Lelyana (graduated on November 2011)
  • Daniar Rianawati (graduated on November 2011)
  • Wahyu Widiantara – Widayati Purwaningsih (graduated on Pebruary 2011)
  • Alvin Gita Raharja-Putranda Yeremia Tumewu (graduated on August 2011)
  • Priasta S Prasojo (graduated)
  • Nur Widiarto Setiaji (graduated)
  • Galuh Pinayungan (graduated)
  • Nuri Narulita - Zayda Faizah Zahra (graduated)
  • Septian Arief Nur Rochman (graduated)
  • Nur Rochim – Hafid Sahli Mukaffa (graduated)
  • Galuh Pinayungan – Yano Surya Pradana (graduated)

Supporting staff:

  • Sutaryo

Ratna Dewi Kusumaningtyas

27 Desember 2011 - 07:53

Ph.D Student, Chemical Engineering Department, UGM

Research Title:

Continuous Process of Biodiesel Production Using Reactive Distillation Column with Exergy Analysis


          Biodiesel is one among the promising renewable fuels, holding various advantages compared with fossil fuel in terms of renewability, non-toxicity, biodegradability, and sustainability characteristic. However, biodiesel production faces a challenge associated with the labor and separation cost. It is due to the fact that the most existing biodiesel production technology is batch process, which is slow, involving several separation steps, labor intensive, and low in productivity.

Zahrul Mufrodi

27 Desember 2011 - 08:13

Ph.D student, Chemical Engineering Department UGM

Research title

Triacetin Production from Glycerol (by-Product Biodiesel Production) as Octane Booster



            In the world, The price of  fossil fuels have been increasing but its availability has been declining. It has been anticipated with fuel from renewable sources like biodiesel.  Biodiesel production from vegetable oil has been produce glycerol  as  by-product  with the amount of about 10 wt% of total biodiesel product

Arif Hidayat

27 Desember 2011 - 18:43

Ph.D student, Chemical Engineering Department UGM

            The topic of his dissertation is Development of Solid Catalyst from Waste Biomass for Biodiesel Production by Reactive Distillation Method. The aim of the research is to obtain new types of catalysts based on biomass waste for biodiesel production by reactive distillation method. Heterogeneous catalysts have advantages i.e. easy to separate for the product and unreacted feed, high selectivity, reusable, and environmentally friendly because it does not produce waste catalyst. The synthesized catalyst technology will be used to manufacture biodiesel in reactive distillation, namely an integration procees between reaction and

Heny Dewajani

27 Desember 2011 - 18:50

PhD Student, Chemical Engineering Department, Gadjah Mada University

Research title:

Catalytic Cracking Process of Vegetable Oil into Green-gasoline with Hydrogenation

Research outline :

            Biofuels is one form of renewable energy that are now developed in “Green Energy Programs”. One of the raw materials that can be used to produce biofuels are vegetable oils. Vegetable oils such as palm oil, coconut oil, castor oil and  nyamplung oil composed of triglycerides which are esters of glycerol and various fatty acids with the number of C atoms between 12-18. Long-chain hydrocarbon allows it to be used as bio fuel with the cracking process as it occurs in crude oil processing.  Catalytic cracking is the process of cracking long chain hydrocarbon molecules into smaller molecules with the aid of a catalyst