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Ph.D students, Chemical Engineering Department, UGM:

  • Ratna Dewi Kusumaningtyas (graduated)
  • Zahrul Mufrodi (graduated)
  • Arif Hidayat
  • Heny Dewajani
  • Diana
  • Daniyanto
  • Doni Rahmat Wicakso
  • Sunarno


Master students, Chemical Engineering, UGM:

  • Tya Indah Arifta  (graduated on July 2011)
  • Yuli Ristianingsih (graduated on October 2011)
  • Daniyanto (graduated)
  • Dyah Retno Sawitri (graduated)
  • Putri Restu Dewati (graduated)
  • Ade Kurniawan (graduated)
  • Masduki Hamid (graduated)
  • Retno Renggani (graduated)
  • Mitha Puspitasari (graduated)

Master students, Biomedical Science, UGM:

  • Puguh
  • Rasuane

Master students, Computer Science, UGM:

  • Ardhi Wicaksono

Master students, System Engineering, UGM:

  • Wanodya Asri Kawentar

Undergraduate students, Chemical Engineering, UGM

  • Gilang Aswardian – Ayu Apriyanti (graduated on November 2011)
  • Alita Lelyana (graduated on November 2011)
  • Daniar Rianawati (graduated on November 2011)
  • Wahyu Widiantara – Widayati Purwaningsih (graduated on Pebruary 2011)
  • Alvin Gita Raharja-Putranda Yeremia Tumewu (graduated on August 2011)
  • Priasta S Prasojo (graduated)
  • Nur Widiarto Setiaji (graduated)
  • Galuh Pinayungan (graduated)
  • Nuri Narulita - Zayda Faizah Zahra (graduated)
  • Septian Arief Nur Rochman (graduated)
  • Nur Rochim – Hafid Sahli Mukaffa (graduated)
  • Galuh Pinayungan – Yano Surya Pradana (graduated)

Supporting staff:

  • Sutaryo

Puguh Indrasetiawan

27 Desember 2011 - 00:48

Master Student, Biomedical Science, UGM

Research title:

Alpha terpineol activity as a anticancer candidate on T47-D cell line: Cytotoxycity, proliferation hydrance, and apoptosis stimulation


Breast cancer is the disease that spreads all over the world. In Indonesia, patients who have breast cancer are treated with chemotherapy, radiation, surgery and immunotherapy (and combination of them), but those treatments cannot be 100% effective against cancer. Chemotherapy using drugs such as doxorubicin and tamoxifen has lots of side effect, and now we have a new strategy to combat cancer: using natural compounds from plants that have very few side effects, one of them is alpha-terpineol, a volatile oil obtained from Pinus merkusii, the native plant of Indonesia.

Rasuane Noor

27 Desember 2011 - 00:45

Master Student, Biomedical Science, UGM

Research title:

Cytotoxic activity Α-terpineol As a candidate anticancer On Cell Line Helah And Its Effect on Apoptosis As well as the cell cycle


            Cancer is the leading cause of death and disease in addition to cardiovascular disease because of infection. In Indonesia, cancer is the leading cause of death number seven (5.7%) after stroke, tuberculosis, hypertension, injury, perinatal, and DM. The number of cancer patients continues to increase with the prevalence 4.3 per 1000 population. Most cancer cases in Indonesia are cervical cancer, breast cancer, skin and lung (MOH, 2009).

Ardhi Wicaksono

27 Desember 2011 - 00:44

Master Program, Computer Science Department, MIPA UGM

Research title:

Chemical Plant Simulator: Miniplant of Biodiesel production from CPO using Reactive Distillation.


            Chemical Plant Simulator: Mini Plant Biodiesel CPO via Reactive Distillation is designed as a generic type of device simulation servers, and workstations server database for instructor, field operators and operator. Simulator provides simulated operation that occurs in the chemical plant during normal conditions, start-up, shutdown, emergency, and malfunction. These five conditions can be simulated in this simulator, so users can learn about the phenomena that exist in every state in a biodiesel mini plants unit. The study is based on the dynamic performance characteristics of unit operations a biodiesel mini plant. Dynamic performance characteristics derived from data modeling tools and process models. Modeling process using the principle of chemical engineering tools: mass balance, heat balance, equilibrium and rate processes, resulting in a dynamic model. Consequently, this simulator can be used as an operator training simulator (OTS).  

Wanodya Asri Kawentar

27 Desember 2011 - 08:20

Master Student,

System Engineering Department, Gadjah Mada University


Research title

Optimization of biodiesel production from second-used cooking oil.


Research outline:

Used cooking oils are oils that collected from waste oil in frying food. Many researches on converting used-cooking oils into biodiesel have been done, but the research have just focused on using the oil that collected from restaurant. These oils have just been used to frying 3 to 4 times. These oils are called first-used cooking oils. While the waste oils that collected from cadgers are called second-used cooking oil because they used the waste oil that collected from restaurant to cook.